Talk to the team at Dimas Constructions

Information and Sales

Request more information about the apartment of your dreams in Greater Florianópolis.

It will be a pleasure to clarify all your doubts and make a great deal.

  • Telephone

    48 3381 3001
  • WhatsApp

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  • Address

    Av. Presidente Kennedy, 815
    Campinas, São José - SC


Commitment to Satisfaction

ISO 9001 certifications and Brazilian Program of Quality and Productivity of Habitat (PBQP-H) Level A certify the focus on the quality of its enterprises and customer satisfaction. Please fill out the form below with your data so we can get back in touch, further enhancing our service:


Dimas Constructions prioritizes comfort, well-being, smart technologies, and environmental respect in all its projects. Our commitment to customers and the high standard of the properties we create make our company a benchmark for quality and credibility in the market in Santa Catarina.

We aim to establish partnerships with suppliers of products or services compatible with the Dimas Constructions standard. Join us in the commitment to realizing great dreams.